I have a source! He has given me tips about amazing birds and magical wild patches of flowers in the woods!
Today Bill and I took a drive based on directions from our source to find the "elusive" Red Trillium. AND WE FOUND IT! Along with Yellow Trillium, Pink Trillium, and of course White Trillium. Not to mention Dutchman's Britches, and more.
This is a magical time of year and I recommend taking a walk in the woods and paying attention to everything! Here's some of what we saw today:

*This is the Red Trillium(s) we were looking for. Worth the trip!

*This was an unexpected bonus. A Yellow Trillium? Who knew....

*sweet delicate Dutchman's Britches

*No idea what these are but they were everywhere

*This is a wet me. Note the plastic, got it out of the car too late. It was all worth it. We spent the whole day wet and a bit uncomfortable.

*Had to add this one. There is a Pink variety too. Some will say oh they turn pink when they are fading but this one is pink from the start!