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Why did you name your business "Quiet Shutter"?

People who know Bill and I may not think we are all that "Quiet" so it is a logical question as to why we chose to call our photography business "Quiet Shutter". The answer goes back many years and involves a team of sled dogs.

When our son Andy was in first grade his class studied the Iditarod, you know it, "The Last Great Race" the 1100 mile dogsled race across Alaska. Andy came home each day with reports on how his chosen musher was doing. My mom and dad were visiting during this time and my mom informed us that my Uncle Al had run the Iditarod. NO WAY, I didn't believe it and thought for sure she had her facts mixed up. Well it turns out that she was right. She got us in touch with Uncle Al and soon enough we were visiting his mushing camp in Michigan's U.P. to learn about sled dogs.

Flash forward a couple years and we owned our own sled dog team! This was a great period of time in our family life! Everyone had to take part in caring for the dogs and giving the attention they needed. We all loved our little team of sled dogs. We had a family meeting to name our kennel. Many ideas were tossed out including "Dirty Dog Kennel" but we settled on "Quiet Ride Kennel" because when you get a team of sled dogs out on a snow packed trail it is so peaceful and quiet. All you hear are the dogs panting and the sled sliding along the trail.

So when Bill and I decided that we would take our lifelong "hobby" and turn it into formal business we continued with the "Quiet" theme. So there it is "Quiet Shutter Fine Art and Photography" (PS: I paint a little too, stay tuned)

I think of our Quiet Ride Kennel days so fondly! It was great as a family to work with the dogs, take trips to training weekends and races with them and share them with our friends. We also made many great friends through mushing not to mention rekindled a relationship with Uncle Al.

This weekend in Marquette Michigan is a huge annual dogsled race called the U.P. 200. It is a qualifying race for mushers who wish to run the Iditarod. Bill has participated in this race a number of times. Our daughter Loren, was an intern with the race when she was attending college at Northern Michigan University.

In the pictures featured here he finished in 4th place a admiral finish among many world class mushers!

**just found some youtube videos of Bill's race, start and finish. Enjoy!

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