Are you an "Artiste"?
In my baby book it says my first toy was a pencil. So I guess it started long ago. I love to create. I love to draw, paint, color, take photos. So I guess I'm an artist, "artiste", creative, maker. During Sunday morning church service I pull out a pen and sketch the speaker. It's part of everyday for me.
I'm so lucky that my husband is also a creative. He is a baker by trade and part of that is cake decorating, he's good at it! He's also a good photographer and I'm glad. We enjoy that endeavor together.
Not every painting or photo turn out the way it was intended. Jim Doty, author of DSLR Exoposure for Dummy's preaches to never delete a photo until you have had time to upload it to your computer to see if it's better than you think. Well here is a photo that defiantly did NOT turn out BUT with the help of some fun Iphone apps and a little creative juices it became a piece of art. Fun for me......